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A plugin for handling custom song additions in Beat Saber.
The Settings for SongCore can be found in the UserData/SongCore
Folder, or in game in the Mod Settings section of the main menu
Custom Song folders go in Beat Saber_Data/CustomLevels
The song files must be in the root of the song folder, and not within a subfolder
You can place songs in the Beat Saber_Data/CustomWIPLevels
folder instead to place them in the WIP Maps
song pack and have them only be playable in practice mode. This is recommended if you are either making the map yourself or testing someone else's map
You can place Zip files in Beat Saber_Data/CustomWIPLevels
and whenever SongCore Loads songs it will attempt to handle them in the following way
Clearing the Beat Saber_Data/CustomWIPLevels/Cache
folder of all files
Extracting the zips to the Cache folder inside of a folder of the same name of the zip
Attempting to load any songs found within the Cache folder
If any songs are successfully loaded from the Cache folder, they will show up within a "Cached WIP Maps" LevelPack next to the WIP Maps pack
This loading is less efficient due to having to extract the zips every time, and occurs before regular loading starts, so be aware that song loading may slow down if you have a large amount of zips in the folder
You can specify additional folders to load songs from by modifying the UserData/SongCore/folders.xml
file, which is generated by SongCore when loading the game if it does not exist
Example File:
Syntax for folder entries (Entries with name Example will be skipped)
Name to be used for the folder entry, is used for level pack name if set to be a new pack i.e. SecondSongFolder
Full path to the folder to be used i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\SecondSongFolder
either 0, 1, or 2. 0 means the songs will be put in the main custom levels pack, 1 means it will be put in the wip levels pack, and 2 means it will be put into a new pack
If Pack is 2, will attempt to load this image to use as the pack cover. Use the Full Path to the Image
If Pack is 2, songs in this folder will be treated as WIP and only be playable in practice mode. Use True/False for the value
Example Entry: SecondSongFolder C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\SecondSongFolder 2 True -->
Required files:
"_version": - Format Version, leave this as 2.0.0
"_songName": - Name of your song
"_songSubName": - Text rendered in smaller letters next to song name. "ft. Artist"
"_songAuthorName": - Author of the song itself
"_levelAuthorName": - The person that mapped the note chart
"_beatsPerMinute": - BPM of the song you are using
"_songTimeOffset": - Offset playing the audio (in seconds)
"_shuffle": - Time in number of beats how much a note should shift
"_shufflePeriod": - Time in number of beats how often a note should shift
"_previewStartTime": - How many seconds into the song the preview should start
"_previewDuration": - Time in seconds the song will be previewed in selection screen
"_songFilename": - Filename of the audio file
"_coverImageFilename": - Filename of the cover file
"_environmentName": - Game Environment to be used
Possible environmentNames (-> Name listed in game):
- DefaultEnvironment -> The First
- Origins -> Origins
- TriangleEnvironment -> Triangle
- BigMirrorEnvironment -> Big Mirror
- NiceEnvironment -> Nice
- KDAEnvironment -> KDA
- MonstercatEnvironment -> Monstercat
- DragonsEnvironment -> Dragons
- CrabRaveEnvironment -> Crab Rave
- PanicEnvironment -> Panic
"_customData": {
"_contributors": [
"_role": - Role of contributor
"_name": - Name of contributor
"_iconPath": - Filename of icon to use for contributor
"_customEnvironment" - Custom platform override, will use "environmentName" if CustomPlatforms isn't installed or disabled
"_customEnvironmentHash" - The hash found on ModelSaber, used to download missing platforms
"_difficultyBeatmapSets": [
"_beatmapCharacteristicName": - Characteristic of the BeatmapSet, Refer to Characteristics further down
"_difficultyBeatmaps": [ - DifficultyBeatmaps must be listed in Ascending Oder to show properly in Game
"_difficulty": - Name of the Difficulty (Easy/Normal/Hard/Expert/ExpertPlus)
"_difficultyRank": - Rank of the difficulty corresponding to above (1/3/5/7/9)
"_beatmapFilename": - Filename of the associated beatmap
"_noteJumpMovementSpeed": 10,
"_noteJumpStartBeatOffset": 0,
"_customData": {
"_difficultyLabel" - The name to display for the difficulty in game
Note: Difficulty labels are unique per _beatmapCharacteristicName
"_editorOffset": 0,
"_editorOldOffset": 0,
"_colorLeft": { - The RGB values to override the colors to if the player has custom song colors enabled
"r": 0.013660844415416155,
"g": 0,
"b": 0.07069587707519531
"_colorRight": {
"r": 0.0014191981941151946,
"g": 0.14107830811467803,
"b": 0.07064014358987808
"_envColorLeft": {
"r": 0.013660844415416155,
"g": 0,
"b": 0.07069587707519531
"_envColorRight": {
"r": 0.0014191981941151946,
"g": 0.14107830811467803,
"b": 0.07064014358987808
"_envColorLeftBoost": {
"r": 0.013660844415416155,
"g": 0,
"b": 0.07069587707519531
"_envColorRightBoost": {
"r": 0.0014191981941151946,
"g": 0.14107830811467803,
"b": 0.07064014358987808
"_obstacleColor": {
"r": 1,
"g": 0,
"b": 0
Color range for r,g, and b is a 0-1 scale, not 0-255 scale
If a color is not present as an override and the player has overrides enabled,
it will use the color from the player's current color scheme, with the exception
of envLeft and envRight which will first try to use colorLeft / colorRight, the environment boost colors will fallback to the respective environment colors if not used
"_warnings": - Any warnings you would like the player to be aware of before playing the song
"_information": - Any general information you would like the player to be aware of before playing the song
"_suggestions": - Any mods to suggest the player uses for playing the song, must be supported by the mod in question otherwise the player will constantly be informed they are missing suggested mod(s)
"_requirements": - Any mods to require the player has before being able to play the song, must be supported by mod in question otherwise song will simply not be playable
The following is a template for you to use:
"_version": "2.0.0",
"_songName": "Song Name",
"_songSubName": "Ft. Person",
"_songAuthorName": "Artist",
"_levelAuthorName": "Mapper Name",
"_beatsPerMinute": 160,
"_songTimeOffset": 0,
"_shuffle": 0,
"_shufflePeriod": 0.5,
"_previewStartTime": 12,
"_previewDuration": 10,
"_songFilename": "song.ogg",
"_coverImageFilename": "cover.jpg",
"_environmentName": "DefaultEnvironment",
"_customData": {
"_contributors": [{
"_role": "Kirb",
"_name": "Kyle 1413",
"_iconPath": "derp.png"
}, {
"_role": "Lighter",
"_name": "Kyle 1413 The Second",
"_iconPath": "test.png"
"_customEnvironment": "Platform Name",
"_customEnvironmentHash": "<platform's ModelSaber md5sum hash>"
"_difficultyBeatmapSets": [{
"_beatmapCharacteristicName": "Standard",
"_difficultyBeatmaps": [{
"_difficulty": "Easy",
"_difficultyRank": 1,
"_beatmapFilename": "Easy.dat",
"_noteJumpMovementSpeed": 10,
"_noteJumpStartBeatOffset": 0,
"_customData": {
"_difficultyLabel": "",
"_editorOffset": 0,
"_editorOldOffset": 0,
"_colorLeft": {
"r": 0.013660844415416155,
"g": 0,
"b": 0.07069587707519531
"_colorRight": {
"r": 0.0014191981941151946,
"g": 0.14107830811467803,
"b": 0.07064014358987808
"_envColorLeft": {
"r": 0.013660844415416155,
"g": 0,
"b": 0.07069587707519531
"_envColorRight": {
"r": 0.0014191981941151946,
"g": 0.14107830811467803,
"b": 0.07064014358987808
"_obstacleColor": {
"r": 1,
"g": 0,
"b": 0
"_warnings": [],
"_information": [],
"_suggestions": [],
"_requirements": [
"Mapping Extensions"
| Capability | Mod | | - | - | | "Mapping Extensions"| Mapping Extensions | | "Chroma"| Chroma | | "Chroma Lighting Events"| Chroma | | "Chroma Special Events"| Chroma |
| Characteristic | Source | | - | - | | "360Degree" | Base Game | | "90Degree" | Base Game | | "Standard"| Base Game | | "NoArrows"| Base Game | | "OneSaber"| Base Game | | "Lawless"| SongCore | | "Lightshow"| SongCore |
//You can also use the below function to specifically get the DifficultyData for a song, which contains information such as requirements that difficulty has SongCore.Collections.RetrieveDifficultyData(IDifficultyBeatmap beatmap) // This will attempt to retrieve the DifficultyData, and return null if it does not find one
//You can also use this function to manually load and add the ExtraSongData for a song by giving it the levelID and path which can be found in the CustomSongInfo for a song SongCore.Collections.AddSong(string levelID, string path, bool replace = false) // If replace is true it will update an existing ExtraSongData for that song if one is present, otherwise if one already exists it will do nothing
* You can add/remove capabilities to your mods for maps to be able to use by doing the following
// To register
SongCore.Collections.RegisterCapability("Capability name");
// To remove
SongCore.Collections.DeregisterizeCapability("Capability name");
//If you make a mod that registers a capability feel free to message me on Discord ( Kyle1413#1413 ) and I will add it to the list above
SongCore.Collections.RegisterCustomCharacteristic(Sprite Icon, "Characteristic Name", "Hint Text", "SerializedName", "CompoundIdPartName");
//For the SerializedName and CompoundIdPartName, as a basic rule can just put the characteristic name without spaces or special characters
//The Characteristic Name will be what mappers put as the characteristic when labelling their difficulties
//If you make a mod that registers a characteristic feel free to message me on Discord ( Kyle1413#1413 ) and I will add it to the list above
SongCore.Collections.AddSeperateSongFolder("Name of the Entry/Levelpack if set to be its own", "Full path to the folder songs will be stored in", Pack(Refer to folders.xml documentation), Sprite Image(Optional, if null defaults to folder icon), bool wip (Optional) )