using IPA.Utilities; using SongCore.Data; using SongCore.OverrideClasses; using SongCore.Utilities; using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using static SongCore.Arcache.ArcacheLoader; using LogSeverity = IPA.Logging.Logger.Level; namespace SongCore { public class Loader : MonoBehaviour { static Loader() { InitFastLoad(); } // Actions for loading and refreshing beatmaps public static event Action LoadingStartedEvent; public static event Action> SongsLoadedEvent; public static event Action OnLevelPacksRefreshed; public static event Action DeletingSong; public static ConcurrentDictionary CustomLevels = new ConcurrentDictionary(); public static ConcurrentDictionary CustomWIPLevels = new ConcurrentDictionary(); public static ConcurrentDictionary CachedWIPLevels = new ConcurrentDictionary(); public static List SeperateSongFolders = new List(); public static SongCoreCustomLevelCollection CustomLevelsCollection { get; private set; } public static SongCoreCustomLevelCollection WIPLevelsCollection { get; private set; } public static SongCoreCustomLevelCollection CachedWIPLevelCollection { get; private set; } public static SongCoreCustomBeatmapLevelPack CustomLevelsPack { get; private set; } public static SongCoreCustomBeatmapLevelPack WIPLevelsPack { get; private set; } public static SongCoreCustomBeatmapLevelPack CachedWIPLevelsPack { get; private set; } public static SongCoreBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO CustomBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO { get; private set; } private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary OfficialSongs = new ConcurrentDictionary(); private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary CustomLevelsById = new ConcurrentDictionary(); public static bool AreSongsLoaded { get; private set; } public static bool AreSongsLoading { get; private set; } public static float LoadingProgress { get; internal set; } internal ProgressBar _progressBar; private HMTask _loadingTask; private bool _loadingCancelled; private static CustomLevelLoader _customLevelLoader; public static BeatmapLevelsModel BeatmapLevelsModelSO { get { if (_beatmapLevelsModel == null) _beatmapLevelsModel = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll().FirstOrDefault(); return _beatmapLevelsModel; } } internal static BeatmapLevelsModel _beatmapLevelsModel; public static Sprite defaultCoverImage; public static CachedMediaAsyncLoader cachedMediaAsyncLoaderSO { get; private set; } public static BeatmapCharacteristicCollectionSO beatmapCharacteristicCollection { get; private set; } public static Loader Instance; public static void OnLoad() { if (Instance != null) { _beatmapLevelsModel = null; Instance.RefreshLevelPacks(); return; } new GameObject("SongCore Loader").AddComponent(); } private void Awake() { Instance = this; _progressBar = ProgressBar.Create(); MenuLoaded(); Hashing.ReadCachedSongHashes(); Hashing.ReadCachedAudioData(); DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); BS_Utils.Utilities.BSEvents.menuSceneLoaded += MenuLoaded; Initialize(); } private void Initialize() { if (Directory.Exists(Converter.oldFolderPath)) Converter.PrepareExistingLibrary(); else RefreshSongs(); } internal void MenuLoaded() { if (AreSongsLoading) { //Scene changing while songs are loading. Since we are using a separate thread while loading, this is bad and could cause a crash. //So we have to stop loading. if (_loadingTask != null) { _loadingTask.Cancel(); _loadingCancelled = true; AreSongsLoading = false; LoadingProgress = 0; StopAllCoroutines(); _progressBar.ShowMessage("Loading cancelled\nPress Ctrl+R to refresh"); Logging.Log("Loading was cancelled by player since they loaded another scene."); } } BS_Utils.Gameplay.Gamemode.Init(); if (_customLevelLoader == null) { _customLevelLoader = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll().FirstOrDefault(); if (_customLevelLoader) { defaultCoverImage = _customLevelLoader.GetField("_defaultPackCover"); cachedMediaAsyncLoaderSO = _customLevelLoader.GetField("_cachedMediaAsyncLoader"); beatmapCharacteristicCollection = _customLevelLoader.GetField("_beatmapCharacteristicCollection"); } else { var defaultCoverTex = Texture2D.blackTexture; defaultCoverImage = Sprite.Create(defaultCoverTex, new Rect(0f, 0f, defaultCoverTex.width, defaultCoverTex.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); } } } /// /// This fuction will add/remove Level Packs from the Custom Levels tab if applicable /// public void RefreshLevelPacks() { CustomLevelsCollection?.UpdatePreviewLevels(CustomLevels?.Values?.OrderBy(l => l.songName).ToArray()); WIPLevelsCollection?.UpdatePreviewLevels(CustomWIPLevels?.Values?.OrderBy(l => l.songName).ToArray()); CachedWIPLevelCollection?.UpdatePreviewLevels(CachedWIPLevels?.Values?.OrderBy(l => l.songName).ToArray()); if (CachedWIPLevelsPack != null) { if (CachedWIPLevels.Count > 0 && !CustomBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO._customBeatmapLevelPacks.Contains(CachedWIPLevelsPack)) { CustomBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO.AddLevelPack(CachedWIPLevelsPack); } else if (CachedWIPLevels.Count == 0 && CustomBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO._customBeatmapLevelPacks.Contains(CachedWIPLevelsPack)) { CustomBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO.RemoveLevelPack(CachedWIPLevelsPack); } } foreach (var folderEntry in SeperateSongFolders) { if (folderEntry.SongFolderEntry.Pack == FolderLevelPack.NewPack) { folderEntry.LevelCollection.UpdatePreviewLevels(folderEntry.Levels.Values.OrderBy(l => l.songName).ToArray()); if (folderEntry.Levels.Count > 0 || (folderEntry is ModSeperateSongFolder && (folderEntry as ModSeperateSongFolder).AlwaysShow)) { if (!CustomBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO._customBeatmapLevelPacks.Contains(folderEntry.LevelPack)) CustomBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO.AddLevelPack(folderEntry.LevelPack); } // else if (CustomBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO._customBeatmapLevelPacks.Contains(folderEntry.LevelPack)) // CustomBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO._customBeatmapLevelPacks.Remove(folderEntry.LevelPack); } } BeatmapLevelsModelSO.SetField("_customLevelPackCollection", CustomBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO as IBeatmapLevelPackCollection); BeatmapLevelsModelSO.UpdateAllLoadedBeatmapLevelPacks(); BeatmapLevelsModelSO.UpdateLoadedPreviewLevels(); var filterNav = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll().FirstOrDefault(); // filterNav.InitPlaylists(); // filterNav.UpdatePlaylistsData(); if (filterNav.isActiveAndEnabled) filterNav?.UpdateCustomSongs(); // AttemptReselectCurrentLevelPack(filterNav); OnLevelPacksRefreshed?.Invoke(); } internal void AttemptReselectCurrentLevelPack(LevelFilteringNavigationController controller) { /* var collectionview = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll().FirstOrDefault(); var levelflow = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll().FirstOrDefault(); var pack = levelflow.GetProperty("selectedBeatmapLevelPack"); IBeatmapLevelPack[] sectionpacks = new IBeatmapLevelPack[0]; var selectedcategory = levelflow.GetProperty("selectedLevelCategory"); switch (selectedcategory) { case SelectLevelCategoryViewController.LevelCategory.OstAndExtras: sectionpacks = controller.GetField("_ostBeatmapLevelPacks"); break; case SelectLevelCategoryViewController.LevelCategory.MusicPacks: sectionpacks = controller.GetField("_musicPacksBeatmapLevelPacks"); break; case SelectLevelCategoryViewController.LevelCategory.CustomSongs: sectionpacks = controller.GetField("_customLevelPacks"); break; case SelectLevelCategoryViewController.LevelCategory.All: sectionpacks = controller.GetField("_allBeatmapLevelPacks"); break; case SelectLevelCategoryViewController.LevelCategory.Favorites: return; } if (!sectionpacks.ToList().Contains(pack)) pack = sectionpacks.FirstOrDefault(); if (pack == null) return; controller.Setup(SongPackMask.all, pack, selectedcategory, false, true); */ //controller.SelectAnnotatedBeatmapLevelCollection(pack); // collectionview.SetData(pack.beatmapLevelCollection, pack.packName, pack.coverImage, false, controller.GetField("_currentNoDataInfoPrefab")); } public void RefreshSongs(bool fullRefresh = true) { if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "GameCore") return; if (AreSongsLoading) return; Logging.Log(fullRefresh ? "Starting full song refresh" : "Starting song refresh"); AreSongsLoaded = false; AreSongsLoading = true; LoadingProgress = 0; _loadingCancelled = false; if (LoadingStartedEvent != null) { try { LoadingStartedEvent(this); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.Log("Some plugin is throwing exception from the LoadingStartedEvent!", IPA.Logging.Logger.Level.Error); Logging.Log(e.ToString(), IPA.Logging.Logger.Level.Error); } } RetrieveAllSongs(fullRefresh); } private void RetrieveAllSongs(bool fullRefresh) { var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); #region ClearAllDictionaries // Clear all beatmap dictionaries on full refresh if (fullRefresh) { CustomBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO = null; CustomLevels.Clear(); CustomWIPLevels.Clear(); CachedWIPLevels.Clear(); Collections.levelHashDictionary.Clear(); Collections.hashLevelDictionary.Clear(); foreach (var folder in SeperateSongFolders) folder.Levels.Clear(); } #endregion ClearAllDictionaries var foundSongPaths = fullRefresh ? new ConcurrentDictionary() : new ConcurrentDictionary(Hashing.cachedSongHashData.Keys.ToDictionary(x => x, _ => false)); var baseProjectPath = CustomLevelPathHelper.baseProjectPath; var customLevelsPath = CustomLevelPathHelper.customLevelsDirectoryPath; Action job = delegate { #region AddOfficialBeatmaps try { void AddOfficialPackCollection(IBeatmapLevelPackCollection packCollection) { foreach (var pack in packCollection.beatmapLevelPacks) { foreach (var level in pack.beatmapLevelCollection.beatmapLevels) { OfficialSongs[level.levelID] = new OfficialSongEntry() { LevelPackCollection = packCollection, LevelPack = pack, PreviewBeatmapLevel = level }; } } } OfficialSongs.Clear(); AddOfficialPackCollection(BeatmapLevelsModelSO.ostAndExtrasPackCollection); AddOfficialPackCollection(BeatmapLevelsModelSO.dlcBeatmapLevelPackCollection); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.logger.Error($"Error populating official songs: {ex.Message}"); Logging.logger.Debug(ex); } #endregion AddOfficialBeatmaps #region AddCustomBeatmaps try { #region DirectorySetup var path = CustomLevelPathHelper.baseProjectPath; path = path.Replace('\\', '/'); if (!Directory.Exists(customLevelsPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(customLevelsPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(baseProjectPath + "/CustomWIPLevels")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(baseProjectPath + "/CustomWIPLevels"); } #endregion DirectorySetup #region CacheZipWIPs // Get zip files in CustomWIPLevels and extract them to Cache folder if (fullRefresh) { try { var wipPath = Path.Combine(path, "CustomWIPLevels"); var cachePath = Path.Combine(path, "CustomWIPLevels", "Cache"); CacheZIPs(cachePath, wipPath); var cacheFolders = Directory.GetDirectories(cachePath).ToArray(); LoadCachedZIPs(cacheFolders, fullRefresh, CachedWIPLevels); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.logger.Error("Failed To Load Cached WIP Levels: " + ex); } } #endregion CacheZipWIPs #region CacheSeperateZIPs if (fullRefresh) { foreach (var songFolder in SeperateSongFolders) { if (songFolder.SongFolderEntry.CacheZIPs && songFolder.CacheFolder != null) { var cacheFolder = songFolder.CacheFolder; try { CacheZIPs(cacheFolder.SongFolderEntry.Path, songFolder.SongFolderEntry.Path); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.logger.Error("Failed To Load Cached WIP Levels: " + ex); } } } } #endregion CacheSeperateZIPs //Thread.Sleep(1000 * 1); // waiting for ui, dont hang up stopwatch.Start(); #region LoadCustomLevels // Get Levels from CustomLevels and CustomWIPLevels folders var songFolders = ExtractCustomLevelFoldersFromArchive().Concat(Directory.GetDirectories(Path.Combine(path, "CustomWIPLevels"))).ToArray(); var loadedData = new ConcurrentBag(); var processedSongsCount = 0; Parallel.ForEach(songFolders, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount - 1 }, (folder) => { var result = Path.Combine(folder, "info.dat"); if (ArchiveExists(result) == false) { Logging.Log("Folder: '" + folder + "' is missing info.dat files!", LogSeverity.Notice); return; } //string[] results; //try //{ // results = Directory.GetFiles(folder, "info.dat", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); //} //catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex) //{ // Logging.Log($"Skipping missing or corrupt folder: '{folder}'", LogSeverity.Warning); // return; //} //if (results.Length == 0) //{ // Logging.Log("Folder: '" + folder + "' is missing info.dat files!", LogSeverity.Notice); // return; //} //foreach (var result in results) { try { var songPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(result.Replace('\\', '/')); if (ExtractParentDirectoryName(songPath) != "Backups") { if (!fullRefresh) { if (CustomLevels.TryGetValue(songPath, out var c)) { if (c != null) { loadedData.Add(c.levelID); goto jumpOutLoop; } } } var wip = songPath.Contains("CustomWIPLevels"); var saveData = GetStandardLevelInfoSaveData(songPath); if (saveData != null) { if (_loadingCancelled) return; var level = LoadSongAndAddToDictionaries(saveData, songPath); if (level != null) { if (!wip) { CustomLevelsById[level.levelID] = level; CustomLevels[songPath] = level; } else CustomWIPLevels[songPath] = level; foundSongPaths.TryAdd(songPath, false); } } // if (loadedData.Any(x => x == saveData.)) // { // Logging.Log("Duplicate song found at " + songPath, LogSeverity.Notice); // continue; // } // loadedData.Add(saveDat); //HMMainThreadDispatcher.instance.Enqueue(delegate //{ } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.Log("Failed to load song folder: " + result, LogSeverity.Error); Logging.Log(e.ToString(), LogSeverity.Error); } } jumpOutLoop: LoadingProgress = (float)Interlocked.Increment(ref processedSongsCount) / songFolders.Length; }); #endregion LoadCustomLevels #region LoadSeperateFolders // Load beatmaps in Seperate Song Folders (created in folders.xml or by other mods) // Assign beatmaps to their respective pack (custom levels, wip levels, or seperate) for (var k = 0; k < SeperateSongFolders.Count; k++) { try { var entry = SeperateSongFolders[k]; Instance._progressBar.ShowMessage("Loading " + (SeperateSongFolders.Count - k) + " Additional Song folders"); if (!Directory.Exists(entry.SongFolderEntry.Path)) continue; var entryFolders = Directory.GetDirectories(entry.SongFolderEntry.Path).ToList(); float i2 = 0; foreach (var folder in entryFolders) { i2++; // Search for an info.dat in the beatmap folder string[] results; try { results = Directory.GetFiles(folder, "info.dat", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex) { Logging.Log($"Skipping missing or corrupt folder: '{folder}'", LogSeverity.Warning); continue; } if (results.Length == 0) { Logging.Log("Folder: '" + folder + "' is missing info.dat files!", LogSeverity.Notice); continue; } foreach (var result in results) { try { // On quick refresh: Check if the beatmap directory is already present in the respective beatmap dictionary // If it is already present on a non full refresh, it will be ignored (changes to the beatmap will not be applied) var songPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(result.Replace('\\', '/')); if (!fullRefresh) { if (entry.SongFolderEntry.Pack == FolderLevelPack.NewPack && SearchBeatmapInMapPack(entry.Levels, songPath)) continue; else if (entry.SongFolderEntry.Pack == FolderLevelPack.CustomLevels && SearchBeatmapInMapPack(CustomLevels, songPath)) continue; else if (entry.SongFolderEntry.Pack == FolderLevelPack.CustomWIPLevels && SearchBeatmapInMapPack(CustomWIPLevels, songPath)) continue; else if (entry.SongFolderEntry.Pack == FolderLevelPack.CachedWIPLevels && SearchBeatmapInMapPack(CachedWIPLevels, songPath)) continue; } if (entry.SongFolderEntry.Pack == FolderLevelPack.CustomLevels || (entry.SongFolderEntry.Pack == FolderLevelPack.NewPack && entry.SongFolderEntry.WIP == false)) { if (AssignBeatmapToSeperateFolder(CustomLevels, songPath, entry.Levels)) continue; if (AssignBeatmapToSeperateFolder(CustomWIPLevels, songPath, entry.Levels)) continue; if (AssignBeatmapToSeperateFolder(CachedWIPLevels, songPath, entry.Levels)) continue; } var saveData = GetStandardLevelInfoSaveData(songPath); if (saveData == null) { // Logging.Log("Null save data", LogSeverity.Notice); continue; } var count = i2; //HMMainThreadDispatcher.instance.Enqueue(delegate //{ if (_loadingCancelled) return; var level = LoadSongAndAddToDictionaries(saveData, songPath, entry.SongFolderEntry); if (level != null) { entry.Levels[songPath] = level; CustomLevelsById[level.levelID] = level; foundSongPaths.TryAdd(songPath, false); } LoadingProgress = count / entryFolders.Count; //}); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.Log("Failed to load song folder: " + result, LogSeverity.Error); Logging.Log(e.ToString(), LogSeverity.Error); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Log($"Failed to load Seperate Folder{SeperateSongFolders[k].SongFolderEntry.Name}" + ex, LogSeverity.Error); } } #endregion LoadSeperateFolders } catch (Exception e) { Logging.Log("RetrieveAllSongs failed:", LogSeverity.Error); Logging.Log(e.ToString(), LogSeverity.Error); } #endregion AddCustomBeatmaps }; Action finish = delegate { #region CountBeatmapsAndUpdateLevelPacks stopwatch.Stop(); var songCount = CustomLevels.Count + CustomWIPLevels.Count; var songCountWSF = songCount; foreach (var f in SeperateSongFolders) songCount += f.Levels.Count; Logging.Log($"Loaded {songCount} new songs ({songCountWSF}) in CustomLevels | {songCount - songCountWSF} in seperate folders) in {stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds"); try { //Handle LevelPacks if (CustomBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO == null || CustomBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO.beatmapLevelPacks.Length == 0) { #region AddSeperateFolderBeatmapsToRespectivePacks var beatmapLevelPackCollectionSO = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll().FirstOrDefault(); CustomBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO = SongCoreBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO.CreateNew(); // (beatmapLevelPackCollectionSO); foreach (var folderEntry in SeperateSongFolders) { switch (folderEntry.SongFolderEntry.Pack) { case FolderLevelPack.CustomLevels: CustomLevels = new ConcurrentDictionary(CustomLevels.Concat(folderEntry.Levels.Where(x => !CustomLevels.ContainsKey(x.Key))).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value)); break; case FolderLevelPack.CustomWIPLevels: CustomWIPLevels = new ConcurrentDictionary(CustomWIPLevels.Concat(folderEntry.Levels.Where(x => !CustomWIPLevels.ContainsKey(x.Key))).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value)); break; case FolderLevelPack.CachedWIPLevels: CachedWIPLevels = new ConcurrentDictionary(CachedWIPLevels.Concat(folderEntry.Levels.Where(x => !CachedWIPLevels.ContainsKey(x.Key))).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value)); break; default: break; } } #endregion AddSeperateFolderBeatmapsToRespectivePacks Logging.logger.Info("XXYYZZ AddSeperateFolderBeatmapsToRespectivePacks done"); #region CreateLevelPacks // Create level collections and level packs // Add level packs to the custom levels pack collection CustomLevelsCollection = new SongCoreCustomLevelCollection(CustomLevels.Values.ToArray()); WIPLevelsCollection = new SongCoreCustomLevelCollection(CustomWIPLevels.Values.ToArray()); CachedWIPLevelCollection = new SongCoreCustomLevelCollection(CachedWIPLevels.Values.ToArray()); CustomLevelsPack = new SongCoreCustomBeatmapLevelPack(CustomLevelLoader.kCustomLevelPackPrefixId + "CustomLevels", "Custom Levels", defaultCoverImage, CustomLevelsCollection); WIPLevelsPack = new SongCoreCustomBeatmapLevelPack(CustomLevelLoader.kCustomLevelPackPrefixId + "CustomWIPLevels", "WIP Levels", UI.BasicUI.WIPIcon, WIPLevelsCollection); CachedWIPLevelsPack = new SongCoreCustomBeatmapLevelPack(CustomLevelLoader.kCustomLevelPackPrefixId + "CachedWIPLevels", "Cached WIP Levels", UI.BasicUI.WIPIcon, CachedWIPLevelCollection); CustomBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO.AddLevelPack(CustomLevelsPack); CustomBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO.AddLevelPack(WIPLevelsPack); CustomBeatmapLevelPackCollectionSO.AddLevelPack(CachedWIPLevelsPack); #endregion CreateLevelPacks Logging.logger.Info("XXYYZZ CreateLevelPacks done"); } //Level Packs RefreshLevelPacks(); Logging.logger.Info("XXYYZZ RefreshLevelPacks return"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.logger.Error("Failed to Setup LevelPacks: " + ex); } #endregion CountBeatmapsAndUpdateLevelPacks AreSongsLoaded = true; AreSongsLoading = false; LoadingProgress = 1; _loadingTask = null; try { var arr = SongsLoadedEvent.GetInvocationList(); Logging.logger.Info($"XXYYZZ SongsLoadedEvent.GetInvocationList : {arr.Length}"); foreach (var item in arr) { Logging.logger.Info($"XXYYZZ -> {item.Method.DeclaringType.AssemblyQualifiedName}::{item.Method}"); item.DynamicInvoke(this, CustomLevels); Logging.logger.Info($"XXYYZZ <- Return"); } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.logger.Error($"XXYYZZ SongsLoadedEvent.GetInvocationList:{e.Message}"); } //SongsLoadedEvent?.Invoke(this, CustomLevels); // Write our cached hash info and //Hashing.UpdateCachedHashesInternal(foundSongPaths.Keys); //Hashing.UpdateCachedAudioDataInternal(foundSongPaths.Keys); Logging.logger.Info("XXYYZZ SaveExtraSongData Call"); SongCore.Collections.SaveExtraSongData(); Logging.logger.Info("XXYYZZ Leave finish task"); }; _loadingTask = new HMTask(job, finish); _loadingTask.Run(); } public static StandardLevelInfoSaveData GetStandardLevelInfoSaveData(string path) { var text = ReadJson(path + "/info.dat"); return StandardLevelInfoSaveData.DeserializeFromJSONString(text); } /// /// Delete a beatmap (is only used by other mods) /// /// Directory of the beatmap /// Option to delete the base folder of the beatmap public void DeleteSong(string folderPath, bool deleteFolder = true) { DeletingSong?.Invoke(); //Remove the level from SongCore Collections try { if (CustomLevels.TryRemove(folderPath, out var level)) { } else if (CustomWIPLevels.TryRemove(folderPath, out level)) { } else if (CachedWIPLevels.TryRemove(folderPath, out level)) { } else { foreach (var folderEntry in SeperateSongFolders) { if (folderEntry.Levels.TryRemove(folderPath, out level)) { } } } if (level != null) { if (Collections.levelHashDictionary.ContainsKey(level.levelID)) { var hash = Collections.hashForLevelID(level.levelID); Collections.levelHashDictionary.TryRemove(level.levelID, out _); if (Collections.hashLevelDictionary.ContainsKey(hash)) { Collections.hashLevelDictionary[hash].Remove(level.levelID); if (Collections.hashLevelDictionary[hash].Count == 0) Collections.hashLevelDictionary.TryRemove(hash, out _); } } Hashing.UpdateCachedHashes(new HashSet((CustomLevels.Keys.Concat(CustomWIPLevels.Keys)))); } //Delete the directory if (deleteFolder) if (Directory.Exists(folderPath)) { Directory.Delete(folderPath, true); } RefreshLevelPacks(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Log("Exception trying to Delete song: " + folderPath, LogSeverity.Error); Logging.Log(ex.ToString(), LogSeverity.Error); } } /* public void RetrieveNewSong(string folderPath) { try { bool wip = false; if (folderPath.Contains("CustomWIPLevels")) wip = true; StandardLevelInfoSaveData saveData = GetStandardLevelInfoSaveData(folderPath); var level = LoadSong(saveData, folderPath, out string hash); if (level != null) { if (!wip) CustomLevels[folderPath] = level; else CustomWIPLevels[folderPath] = level; if (!Collections.levelHashDictionary.ContainsKey(level.levelID)) { Collections.levelHashDictionary.Add(level.levelID, hash); if (Collections.hashLevelDictionary.ContainsKey(hash)) Collections.hashLevelDictionary[hash].Add(level.levelID); else { var levels = new List(); levels.Add(level.levelID); Collections.hashLevelDictionary.Add(hash, levels); } } } HashSet paths = new HashSet( Hashing.cachedSongHashData.Keys); paths.Add(folderPath); Hashing.UpdateCachedHashes(paths); RefreshLevelPacks(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Log("Failed to Retrieve New Song from: " + folderPath, LogSeverity.Error); Logging.Log(ex.ToString(), LogSeverity.Error); } } */ /// /// Load a beatmap, gather all beatmap information and create beatmap preview /// /// Save data of beatmap /// Directory of beatmap /// Resulting hash for the beatmap, may contain beatmap folder name or 'WIP' at the end /// Folder entry for beatmap folder /// public static CustomPreviewBeatmapLevel LoadSong(StandardLevelInfoSaveData saveData, string songPath, out string hash, SongFolderEntry folderEntry = null) { CustomPreviewBeatmapLevel result; var wip = songPath.Contains("CustomWIPLevels"); if (folderEntry != null) { if ((folderEntry.Pack == FolderLevelPack.CustomWIPLevels) || (folderEntry.Pack == FolderLevelPack.CachedWIPLevels)) wip = true; else if (folderEntry.WIP) wip = true; } hash = Hashing.GetCustomLevelHash(saveData, songPath); try { var folderName = ExtractParentDirectoryName(songPath); var levelID = CustomLevelLoader.kCustomLevelPrefixId + hash; // Fixed WIP status for duplicate song hashes if (Collections.levelHashDictionary.ContainsKey(levelID + (wip ? " WIP" : ""))) levelID += "_" + folderName; if (wip) levelID += " WIP"; var songName = saveData.songName; var songSubName = saveData.songSubName; var songAuthorName = saveData.songAuthorName; var levelAuthorName = saveData.levelAuthorName; var beatsPerMinute = saveData.beatsPerMinute; var songTimeOffset = saveData.songTimeOffset; var shuffle = saveData.shuffle; var shufflePeriod = saveData.shufflePeriod; var previewStartTime = saveData.previewStartTime; var previewDuration = saveData.previewDuration; var environmentSceneInfo = _customLevelLoader.LoadEnvironmentInfo(saveData.environmentName, false); var allDirectionEnvironmentInfo = _customLevelLoader.LoadEnvironmentInfo(saveData.allDirectionsEnvironmentName, true); var list = new List(); foreach (var difficultyBeatmapSet in saveData.difficultyBeatmapSets) { var beatmapCharacteristicBySerializedName = beatmapCharacteristicCollection.GetBeatmapCharacteristicBySerializedName(difficultyBeatmapSet.beatmapCharacteristicName); var array = new BeatmapDifficulty[difficultyBeatmapSet.difficultyBeatmaps.Length]; for (var j = 0; j < difficultyBeatmapSet.difficultyBeatmaps.Length; j++) { BeatmapDifficulty beatmapDifficulty; difficultyBeatmapSet.difficultyBeatmaps[j].difficulty.BeatmapDifficultyFromSerializedName(out beatmapDifficulty); array[j] = beatmapDifficulty; } list.Add(new PreviewDifficultyBeatmapSet(beatmapCharacteristicBySerializedName, array)); } result = new CustomPreviewBeatmapLevel(defaultCoverImage, saveData, songPath, cachedMediaAsyncLoaderSO, cachedMediaAsyncLoaderSO, levelID, songName, songSubName, songAuthorName, levelAuthorName, beatsPerMinute, songTimeOffset, shuffle, shufflePeriod, previewStartTime, previewDuration, environmentSceneInfo, allDirectionEnvironmentInfo, list.ToArray()); GetSongDuration(result, songPath, Path.Combine(songPath, saveData.songFilename)); //Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { GetSongDuration(result, songPath, Path.Combine(songPath, saveData.songFilename));}); } catch { Logging.Log("Failed to Load Song: " + songPath, LogSeverity.Error); result = null; } return result; } /// /// Refresh songs on "R" key, full refresh on "Ctrl"+"R" /// private void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) { RefreshSongs(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl)); } } #region HelperFunctionsZIP /// /// Extracts beatmap ZIP files to the cache folder /// /// Directory of cache folder /// Directory of folder containing the zips private void CacheZIPs(string cachePath, string songFolderPath) { if (!Directory.Exists(cachePath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(cachePath); var cache = new DirectoryInfo(cachePath); foreach (var file in cache.GetFiles()) file.Delete(); foreach (var folder in cache.GetDirectories()) folder.Delete(true); var zips = Directory.GetFiles(songFolderPath, "*.zip", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach (var zip in zips) { var unzip = new Unzip(zip); try { unzip.ExtractToDirectory(cachePath + "/" + new FileInfo(zip).Name); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.logger.Warn("Failed to extract zip: " + zip + ": " + ex); } unzip.Dispose(); } } /// /// Loads the beatmaps of the cached /// /// Directory of cache folder /// /// /// private void LoadCachedZIPs(string[] cacheFolders, bool fullRefresh, ConcurrentDictionary BeatmapDictionary, SongFolderEntry folderEntry = null) { foreach (var cachedFolder in cacheFolders) { string[] results; try { results = Directory.GetFiles(cachedFolder, "info.dat", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex) { Logging.Log($"Skipping missing or corrupt folder: '{cachedFolder}'", LogSeverity.Warning); continue; } if (results.Length == 0) { Logging.Log("Folder: '" + cachedFolder + "' is missing info.dat files!", LogSeverity.Notice); continue; } foreach (var result in results) { try { var songPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(result.Replace('\\', '/')); if (!fullRefresh && BeatmapDictionary != null) { if (SearchBeatmapInMapPack(BeatmapDictionary, songPath)) continue; } var saveData = GetStandardLevelInfoSaveData(songPath); if (saveData == null) { continue; } HMMainThreadDispatcher.instance.Enqueue(delegate { if (_loadingCancelled) return; var level = LoadSong(saveData, songPath, out var hash, folderEntry); if (level != null) { BeatmapDictionary[songPath] = level; } }); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.logger.Notice("Failed to load song from " + cachedFolder + ": " + ex); } } } } #endregion HelperFunctionsZIP #region HelperFunctionsLoading private bool SearchBeatmapInMapPack(ConcurrentDictionary mapPack, string songPath) { if (mapPack.TryGetValue(songPath, out var c)) { if (c != null) return true; } return false; } private bool AssignBeatmapToSeperateFolder(ConcurrentDictionary mapPack, string songPath, ConcurrentDictionary seperateFolder) { if (mapPack.TryGetValue(songPath, out var c)) { if (c != null) { seperateFolder[songPath] = c; return true; } } return false; } private CustomPreviewBeatmapLevel LoadSongAndAddToDictionaries(StandardLevelInfoSaveData saveData, string songPath, SongFolderEntry entry = null) { var level = LoadSong(saveData, songPath, out var hash, entry); if (level != null) { if (!Collections.levelHashDictionary.ContainsKey(level.levelID)) { // Add level to LevelHash-Dictionary Collections.levelHashDictionary.TryAdd(level.levelID, hash); // Add hash to HashLevel-Dictionary if (Collections.hashLevelDictionary.TryGetValue(hash, out var levels)) levels.Add(level.levelID); else { levels = new List(); levels.Add(level.levelID); Collections.hashLevelDictionary.TryAdd(hash, levels); } } } return level; } #endregion HelperFunctionsLoading #region HelperFunctionsSearching /// /// Attempts to get a beatmap by LevelId. Returns null a matching level isn't found. /// /// /// public static IPreviewBeatmapLevel GetLevelById(string levelId) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(levelId)) return null; IPreviewBeatmapLevel level = null; if (levelId.StartsWith("custom_level_")) { if (CustomLevelsById.TryGetValue(levelId, out var customLevel)) level = customLevel; } else if (OfficialSongs.TryGetValue(levelId, out var song)) { level = song.PreviewBeatmapLevel; } return level; } /// /// Attempts to get a custom level by hash (case-insensitive). Returns null a matching custom level isn't found. /// /// /// public static CustomPreviewBeatmapLevel GetLevelByHash(string hash) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hash)) return null; CustomLevelsById.TryGetValue("custom_level_" + hash.ToUpper(), out var level); return level; } private static BeatmapDataLoader loader = new BeatmapDataLoader(); private static void GetSongDuration(CustomPreviewBeatmapLevel level, string songPath, string oggfile) { try { var levelid = level.levelID; float length = 0; if (Hashing.cachedAudioData.TryGetValue(songPath, out var data)) { if ( == levelid) length = data.duration; } if (length == 0) { try { length = GetLengthFromOgg(oggfile); } catch (Exception ex) { length = -1; } if (length <= 1) { // janky, but whatever Logging.logger.Warn($"Failed to parse song length from Ogg file, Approximating using Map length. Song: {level.customLevelPath}"); length = GetLengthFromMap(level, songPath); } } if (data != null) { data.duration = length; = levelid; } else { Hashing.cachedAudioData[songPath] = new AudioCacheData(levelid, length); } // Logging.logger.Debug($"{length}"); level.SetField("_songDuration", length); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.logger.Warn("Failed to Parse Song Duration" + ex); } } public static float GetLengthFromMap(CustomPreviewBeatmapLevel level, string songPath) { var diff = level.standardLevelInfoSaveData.difficultyBeatmapSets.First().difficultyBeatmaps.Last().beatmapFilename; var beatmapsave = BeatmapSaveData.DeserializeFromJSONString(ReadJson(Path.Combine(songPath, diff))); float highestTime = 0; if (beatmapsave.notes.Count > 0) highestTime = beatmapsave.notes.Max(x => x.time); else if ( > 0) highestTime = => x.time); return loader.GetRealTimeFromBPMTime(highestTime, level.beatsPerMinute, level.shuffle, level.shufflePeriod); } private static byte[] oggBytes = new byte[] { 0x4F, 0x67, 0x67, 0x53, 0x00, 0x04 }; public static float GetLengthFromOgg(string oggFile) { if (GetCachedOggLength(oggFile, out var len)) return len; using (var fs = File.OpenRead(oggFile)) using (var br = new BinaryReader(fs, Encoding.ASCII)) { /* * Tries to find the array of bytes from the stream */ bool FindBytes(byte[] bytes, int searchLength) { for (var i = 0; i < searchLength; i++) { var b = br.ReadByte(); if (b != bytes[0]) continue; var by = br.ReadBytes(bytes.Length - 1); // hardcoded 6 bytes compare, is fine because all inputs used are 6 bytes // bitwise AND the last byte to read only the flag bit for lastSample searching // shouldn't cause issues finding rate, hopefully if (by[0] == bytes[1] && by[1] == bytes[2] && by[2] == bytes[3] && by[3] == bytes[4] && (by[4] & bytes[5]) == bytes[5]) return true; var index = Array.IndexOf(@by, bytes[0]); if (index != -1) { fs.Position += index - (bytes.Length - 1); i += index; } else i += (bytes.Length - 1); } return false; } var rate = -1; long lastSample = -1; //Skip Capture Pattern fs.Position = 24; //{0x76, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x62, 0x69, 0x73} = "vorbis" in byte values var foundVorbis = FindBytes(new byte[] { 0x76, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x62, 0x69, 0x73 }, 256); if (foundVorbis) { fs.Position += 5; rate = br.ReadInt32(); } else { Logging.logger.Warn($"could not find rate for {oggFile}"); return -1; } /* * this finds the last occurrence of OggS in the file by checking for a bit flag (0x04) * reads in blocks determined by seekBlockSize * 6144 does not add significant overhead and speeds up the search significantly */ const int seekBlockSize = 6144; const int seekTries = 10; // 60 KiB should be enough for any sane ogg file for (var i = 0; i < seekTries; i++) { var seekPos = (i + 1) * seekBlockSize * -1; var overshoot = Math.Max((int)(-seekPos - fs.Length), 0); if (overshoot >= seekBlockSize) { break; } fs.Seek(seekPos + overshoot, SeekOrigin.End); var foundOggS = FindBytes(oggBytes, seekBlockSize - overshoot); if (foundOggS) { lastSample = br.ReadInt64(); break; } } if (lastSample == -1) { Logging.logger.Warn($"could not find lastSample for {oggFile}"); return -1; } var length = lastSample / (float)rate; return length; } } /// /// Attempts to get an official level by LevelId. Returns false if a matching level isn't found. /// /// /// public static bool TryGetOfficialLevelById(string levelId, out OfficialSongEntry song) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(levelId)) { song = default(OfficialSongEntry); return false; } return OfficialSongs.TryGetValue(levelId, out song); } #endregion HelperFunctionsSearching public struct OfficialSongEntry { public IBeatmapLevelPackCollection LevelPackCollection; public IBeatmapLevelPack LevelPack; public IPreviewBeatmapLevel PreviewBeatmapLevel; } } }