/* Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Tal Aloni . All rights reserved. * * You can redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU Lesser Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using SMBLibrary.NetBios; using SMBLibrary.Server.SMB1; using SMBLibrary.SMB1; using Utilities; namespace SMBLibrary.Server { public partial class SMBServer { public void ProcessSMB1Message(SMB1Message message, ref ConnectionState state) { SMB1Message reply = new SMB1Message(); PrepareResponseHeader(reply, message); List sendQueue = new List(); foreach (SMB1Command command in message.Commands) { SMB1Command response = ProcessSMB1Command(reply.Header, command, ref state, sendQueue); if (response != null) { reply.Commands.Add(response); } if (reply.Header.Status != NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; } } if (reply.Commands.Count > 0) { TrySendMessage(state, reply); foreach (SMB1Command command in sendQueue) { SMB1Message secondaryReply = new SMB1Message(); secondaryReply.Header = reply.Header; secondaryReply.Commands.Add(command); TrySendMessage(state, secondaryReply); } } } /// /// May return null /// public SMB1Command ProcessSMB1Command(SMB1Header header, SMB1Command command, ref ConnectionState state, List sendQueue) { if (state.ServerDialect == SMBDialect.NotSet) { if (command is NegotiateRequest) { NegotiateRequest request = (NegotiateRequest)command; if (request.Dialects.Contains(SMBServer.NTLanManagerDialect)) { state = new SMB1ConnectionState(state); state.ServerDialect = SMBDialect.NTLM012; if (EnableExtendedSecurity && header.ExtendedSecurityFlag) { return NegotiateHelper.GetNegotiateResponseExtended(request, m_serverGuid); } else { return NegotiateHelper.GetNegotiateResponse(header, request, m_users); } } else { return new NegotiateResponseNotSupported(); } } else { // [MS-CIFS] An SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE exchange MUST be completed before any other SMB messages are sent to the server header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_SMB_BAD_COMMAND; return new ErrorResponse(command.CommandName); } } else if (command is NegotiateRequest) { // There MUST be only one SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE exchange per SMB connection. // Subsequent SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE requests received by the server MUST be rejected with error responses. header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_SMB_BAD_COMMAND; return new ErrorResponse(command.CommandName); } else { return ProcessSMB1Command(header, command, (SMB1ConnectionState)state, sendQueue); } } private SMB1Command ProcessSMB1Command(SMB1Header header, SMB1Command command, SMB1ConnectionState state, List sendQueue) { if (command is SessionSetupAndXRequest) { SessionSetupAndXRequest request = (SessionSetupAndXRequest)command; state.MaxBufferSize = request.MaxBufferSize; return SessionSetupHelper.GetSessionSetupResponse(header, request, m_users, state); } else if (command is SessionSetupAndXRequestExtended) { SessionSetupAndXRequestExtended request = (SessionSetupAndXRequestExtended)command; state.MaxBufferSize = request.MaxBufferSize; return SessionSetupHelper.GetSessionSetupResponseExtended(header, request, m_users, state); } else if (command is EchoRequest) { return ServerResponseHelper.GetEchoResponse((EchoRequest)command, sendQueue); } else { SMB1Session session = state.GetSession(header.UID); if (session == null) { header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_USER_SESSION_DELETED; return new ErrorResponse(command.CommandName); } if (command is TreeConnectAndXRequest) { TreeConnectAndXRequest request = (TreeConnectAndXRequest)command; return TreeConnectHelper.GetTreeConnectResponse(header, request, state, m_services, m_shares); } else if (command is LogoffAndXRequest) { state.RemoveSession(header.UID); return new LogoffAndXResponse(); } else { ISMBShare share = session.GetConnectedTree(header.TID); if (share == null) { header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_SMB_BAD_TID; return new ErrorResponse(command.CommandName); } if (command is CreateDirectoryRequest) { if (!(share is FileSystemShare)) { header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_SMB_BAD_COMMAND; return new ErrorResponse(command.CommandName); } CreateDirectoryRequest request = (CreateDirectoryRequest)command; return FileSystemResponseHelper.GetCreateDirectoryResponse(header, request, (FileSystemShare)share, state); } else if (command is DeleteDirectoryRequest) { if (!(share is FileSystemShare)) { header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_SMB_BAD_COMMAND; return new ErrorResponse(command.CommandName); } DeleteDirectoryRequest request = (DeleteDirectoryRequest)command; return FileSystemResponseHelper.GetDeleteDirectoryResponse(header, request, (FileSystemShare)share, state); } else if (command is CloseRequest) { CloseRequest request = (CloseRequest)command; return ServerResponseHelper.GetCloseResponse(header, request, share, state); } else if (command is FlushRequest) { return new FlushResponse(); } else if (command is DeleteRequest) { if (!(share is FileSystemShare)) { header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_SMB_BAD_COMMAND; return new ErrorResponse(command.CommandName); } DeleteRequest request = (DeleteRequest)command; return FileSystemResponseHelper.GetDeleteResponse(header, request, (FileSystemShare)share, state); } else if (command is RenameRequest) { if (!(share is FileSystemShare)) { header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_SMB_BAD_COMMAND; return new ErrorResponse(command.CommandName); } RenameRequest request = (RenameRequest)command; return FileSystemResponseHelper.GetRenameResponse(header, request, (FileSystemShare)share, state); } else if (command is QueryInformationRequest) { if (!(share is FileSystemShare)) { header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_SMB_BAD_COMMAND; return new ErrorResponse(command.CommandName); } QueryInformationRequest request = (QueryInformationRequest)command; return FileSystemResponseHelper.GetQueryInformationResponse(header, request, (FileSystemShare)share); } else if (command is SetInformationRequest) { if (!(share is FileSystemShare)) { header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_SMB_BAD_COMMAND; return new ErrorResponse(command.CommandName); } SetInformationRequest request = (SetInformationRequest)command; return FileSystemResponseHelper.GetSetInformationResponse(header, request, (FileSystemShare)share, state); } else if (command is ReadRequest) { ReadRequest request = (ReadRequest)command; return ReadWriteResponseHelper.GetReadResponse(header, request, share, state); } else if (command is WriteRequest) { string userName = session.UserName; if (share is FileSystemShare && !((FileSystemShare)share).HasWriteAccess(userName)) { header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; return new ErrorResponse(command.CommandName); } WriteRequest request = (WriteRequest)command; return ReadWriteResponseHelper.GetWriteResponse(header, request, share, state); } else if (command is CheckDirectoryRequest) { if (!(share is FileSystemShare)) { header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_SMB_BAD_COMMAND; return new ErrorResponse(command.CommandName); } CheckDirectoryRequest request = (CheckDirectoryRequest)command; return FileSystemResponseHelper.GetCheckDirectoryResponse(header, request, (FileSystemShare)share); } else if (command is WriteRawRequest) { // [MS-CIFS] - Receiving an SMB_COM_WRITE_RAW Request: // the server MUST verify that the Server.Capabilities include CAP_RAW_MODE, // If an error is detected [..] the Write Raw operation MUST fail and // the server MUST return a Final Server Response [..] with the Count field set to zero. return new WriteRawFinalResponse(); } else if (command is SetInformation2Request) { if (!(share is FileSystemShare)) { header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_SMB_BAD_COMMAND; return new ErrorResponse(command.CommandName); } SetInformation2Request request = (SetInformation2Request)command; return FileSystemResponseHelper.GetSetInformation2Response(header, request, (FileSystemShare)share, state); } else if (command is LockingAndXRequest) { header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; return new ErrorResponse(CommandName.SMB_COM_LOCKING_ANDX); } else if (command is OpenAndXRequest) { OpenAndXRequest request = (OpenAndXRequest)command; return OpenAndXHelper.GetOpenAndXResponse(header, request, share, state); } else if (command is ReadAndXRequest) { ReadAndXRequest request = (ReadAndXRequest)command; return ReadWriteResponseHelper.GetReadResponse(header, request, share, state); } else if (command is WriteAndXRequest) { string userName = session.UserName; if (share is FileSystemShare && !((FileSystemShare)share).HasWriteAccess(userName)) { header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; return new ErrorResponse(command.CommandName); } WriteAndXRequest request = (WriteAndXRequest)command; return ReadWriteResponseHelper.GetWriteResponse(header, request, share, state); } else if (command is FindClose2Request) { return ServerResponseHelper.GetFindClose2Request(header, (FindClose2Request)command, state); } else if (command is TreeDisconnectRequest) { TreeDisconnectRequest request = (TreeDisconnectRequest)command; return TreeConnectHelper.GetTreeDisconnectResponse(header, request, state); } else if (command is TransactionRequest) // Both TransactionRequest and Transaction2Request { TransactionRequest request = (TransactionRequest)command; try { return TransactionHelper.GetTransactionResponse(header, request, share, state, sendQueue); } catch (UnsupportedInformationLevelException) { header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return new ErrorResponse(command.CommandName); } } else if (command is TransactionSecondaryRequest) // Both TransactionSecondaryRequest and Transaction2SecondaryRequest { TransactionSecondaryRequest request = (TransactionSecondaryRequest)command; try { return TransactionHelper.GetTransactionResponse(header, request, share, state, sendQueue); } catch (UnsupportedInformationLevelException) { header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return new ErrorResponse(command.CommandName); } } else if (command is NTTransactRequest) { NTTransactRequest request = (NTTransactRequest)command; return NTTransactHelper.GetNTTransactResponse(header, request, share, state, sendQueue); } else if (command is NTTransactSecondaryRequest) { NTTransactSecondaryRequest request = (NTTransactSecondaryRequest)command; return NTTransactHelper.GetNTTransactResponse(header, request, share, state, sendQueue); } else if (command is NTCreateAndXRequest) { NTCreateAndXRequest request = (NTCreateAndXRequest)command; return NTCreateHelper.GetNTCreateResponse(header, request, share, state); } } } header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_SMB_BAD_COMMAND; return new ErrorResponse(command.CommandName); } public static void TrySendMessage(ConnectionState state, SMB1Message response) { SessionMessagePacket packet = new SessionMessagePacket(); packet.Trailer = response.GetBytes(); TrySendPacket(state, packet); state.LogToServer(Severity.Verbose, "SMB1 message sent: {0} responses, First response: {1}, Packet length: {2}", response.Commands.Count, response.Commands[0].CommandName.ToString(), packet.Length); } private static void PrepareResponseHeader(SMB1Message response, SMB1Message request) { response.Header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS; response.Header.Flags = HeaderFlags.CaseInsensitive | HeaderFlags.CanonicalizedPaths | HeaderFlags.Reply; response.Header.Flags2 = HeaderFlags2.NTStatusCode; if ((request.Header.Flags2 & HeaderFlags2.LongNamesAllowed) > 0) { response.Header.Flags2 |= HeaderFlags2.LongNamesAllowed | HeaderFlags2.LongNameUsed; } if ((request.Header.Flags2 & HeaderFlags2.ExtendedAttributes) > 0) { response.Header.Flags2 |= HeaderFlags2.ExtendedAttributes; } if ((request.Header.Flags2 & HeaderFlags2.ExtendedSecurity) > 0) { response.Header.Flags2 |= HeaderFlags2.ExtendedSecurity; } if ((request.Header.Flags2 & HeaderFlags2.Unicode) > 0) { response.Header.Flags2 |= HeaderFlags2.Unicode; } response.Header.MID = request.Header.MID; response.Header.PID = request.Header.PID; response.Header.UID = request.Header.UID; response.Header.TID = request.Header.TID; } } }