@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Tal Aloni <tal.aloni.il@gmail.com>. All rights reserved.
- *
- * You can redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of
- * the GNU Lesser Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
- * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- */
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Text;
-using SMBLibrary.SMB1;
-using Utilities;
-namespace SMBLibrary.Server.SMB1
- public class InfoHelper
- {
- internal static FindInformation FromFileSystemEntry(FileSystemEntry entry, FindInformationLevel informationLevel, bool isUnicode, bool returnResumeKeys)
- {
- switch (informationLevel)
- {
- case FindInformationLevel.SMB_INFO_STANDARD:
- {
- FindInfoStandard result = new FindInfoStandard(returnResumeKeys);
- result.CreationDateTime = entry.CreationTime;
- result.LastAccessDateTime = entry.LastAccessTime;
- result.LastWriteDateTime = entry.LastWriteTime;
- result.FileDataSize = (uint)Math.Min(entry.Size, UInt32.MaxValue);
- result.AllocationSize = (uint)Math.Min(NTFileSystemHelper.GetAllocationSize(entry.Size), UInt32.MaxValue);
- result.Attributes = GetFileAttributes(entry);
- result.FileName = entry.Name;
- return result;
- }
- case FindInformationLevel.SMB_INFO_QUERY_EA_SIZE:
- {
- FindInfoQueryEASize result = new FindInfoQueryEASize(returnResumeKeys);
- result.CreationDateTime = entry.CreationTime;
- result.LastAccessDateTime = entry.LastAccessTime;
- result.LastWriteDateTime = entry.LastWriteTime;
- result.FileDataSize = (uint)Math.Min(entry.Size, UInt32.MaxValue);
- result.AllocationSize = (uint)Math.Min(NTFileSystemHelper.GetAllocationSize(entry.Size), UInt32.MaxValue);
- result.Attributes = GetFileAttributes(entry);
- result.EASize = 0;
- result.FileName = entry.Name;
- return result;
- }
- case FindInformationLevel.SMB_INFO_QUERY_EAS_FROM_LIST:
- {
- FindInfoQueryExtendedAttributesFromList result = new FindInfoQueryExtendedAttributesFromList(returnResumeKeys);
- result.CreationDateTime = entry.CreationTime;
- result.LastAccessDateTime = entry.LastAccessTime;
- result.LastWriteDateTime = entry.LastWriteTime;
- result.FileDataSize = (uint)Math.Min(entry.Size, UInt32.MaxValue);
- result.AllocationSize = (uint)Math.Min(NTFileSystemHelper.GetAllocationSize(entry.Size), UInt32.MaxValue);
- result.Attributes = GetFileAttributes(entry);
- result.ExtendedAttributeList = new FullExtendedAttributeList();
- return result;
- }
- case FindInformationLevel.SMB_FIND_FILE_DIRECTORY_INFO:
- {
- FindFileDirectoryInfo result = new FindFileDirectoryInfo();
- result.CreationTime = entry.CreationTime;
- result.LastAccessTime = entry.LastAccessTime;
- result.LastWriteTime = entry.LastWriteTime;
- result.LastAttrChangeTime = entry.LastWriteTime;
- result.EndOfFile = entry.Size;
- result.AllocationSize = NTFileSystemHelper.GetAllocationSize(entry.Size);
- result.ExtFileAttributes = GetExtendedFileAttributes(entry);
- result.FileName = entry.Name;
- return result;
- }
- case FindInformationLevel.SMB_FIND_FILE_FULL_DIRECTORY_INFO:
- {
- FindFileFullDirectoryInfo result = new FindFileFullDirectoryInfo();
- result.CreationTime = entry.CreationTime;
- result.LastAccessTime = entry.LastAccessTime;
- result.LastWriteTime = entry.LastWriteTime;
- result.LastAttrChangeTime = entry.LastWriteTime;
- result.EndOfFile = entry.Size;
- result.AllocationSize = NTFileSystemHelper.GetAllocationSize(entry.Size);
- result.ExtFileAttributes = GetExtendedFileAttributes(entry);
- result.FileName = entry.Name;
- return result;
- }
- case FindInformationLevel.SMB_FIND_FILE_NAMES_INFO:
- {
- FindFileNamesInfo result = new FindFileNamesInfo();
- result.FileName = entry.Name;
- return result;
- }
- case FindInformationLevel.SMB_FIND_FILE_BOTH_DIRECTORY_INFO:
- {
- FindFileBothDirectoryInfo result = new FindFileBothDirectoryInfo();
- result.CreationTime = entry.CreationTime;
- result.LastAccessTime = entry.LastAccessTime;
- result.LastWriteTime = entry.LastWriteTime;
- result.LastChangeTime = entry.LastWriteTime;
- result.EndOfFile = entry.Size;
- result.AllocationSize = NTFileSystemHelper.GetAllocationSize(entry.Size);
- result.ExtFileAttributes = GetExtendedFileAttributes(entry);
- result.ShortName = NTFileSystemHelper.GetShortName(entry.Name);
- result.FileName = entry.Name;
- return result;
- }
- default:
- {
- throw new UnsupportedInformationLevelException();
- }
- }
- }
- internal static QueryInformation FromFileSystemEntry(FileSystemEntry entry, bool deletePending, QueryInformationLevel informationLevel)
- {
- switch (informationLevel)
- {
- case QueryInformationLevel.SMB_INFO_STANDARD:
- {
- QueryInfoStandard result = new QueryInfoStandard();
- result.CreationDateTime = entry.CreationTime;
- result.LastAccessDateTime = entry.LastAccessTime;
- result.LastWriteDateTime = entry.LastWriteTime;
- result.FileDataSize = (uint)Math.Min(entry.Size, UInt32.MaxValue);
- result.AllocationSize = (uint)Math.Min(NTFileSystemHelper.GetAllocationSize(entry.Size), UInt32.MaxValue);
- return result;
- }
- case QueryInformationLevel.SMB_INFO_QUERY_EA_SIZE:
- {
- QueryEASize result = new QueryEASize();
- result.CreationDateTime = entry.CreationTime;
- result.LastAccessDateTime = entry.LastAccessTime;
- result.LastWriteDateTime = entry.LastWriteTime;
- result.FileDataSize = (uint)Math.Min(entry.Size, UInt32.MaxValue);
- result.AllocationSize = (uint)Math.Min(NTFileSystemHelper.GetAllocationSize(entry.Size), UInt32.MaxValue);
- result.Attributes = GetFileAttributes(entry);
- result.EASize = 0;
- return result;
- }
- case QueryInformationLevel.SMB_INFO_QUERY_EAS_FROM_LIST:
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- case QueryInformationLevel.SMB_INFO_QUERY_ALL_EAS:
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- case QueryInformationLevel.SMB_INFO_IS_NAME_VALID:
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- case QueryInformationLevel.SMB_QUERY_FILE_BASIC_INFO:
- {
- QueryFileBasicInfo result = new QueryFileBasicInfo();
- result.CreationDateTime = entry.CreationTime;
- result.LastAccessDateTime = entry.LastAccessTime;
- result.LastWriteDateTime = entry.LastWriteTime;
- result.LastChangeTime = entry.LastWriteTime;
- result.ExtFileAttributes = GetExtendedFileAttributes(entry);
- return result;
- }
- case QueryInformationLevel.SMB_QUERY_FILE_STANDARD_INFO:
- {
- QueryFileStandardInfo result = new QueryFileStandardInfo();
- result.AllocationSize = NTFileSystemHelper.GetAllocationSize(entry.Size);
- result.EndOfFile = entry.Size;
- result.DeletePending = deletePending;
- result.Directory = entry.IsDirectory;
- return result;
- }
- case QueryInformationLevel.SMB_QUERY_FILE_EA_INFO:
- {
- QueryFileExtendedAttributeInfo result = new QueryFileExtendedAttributeInfo();
- result.EASize = 0;
- return result;
- }
- case QueryInformationLevel.SMB_QUERY_FILE_NAME_INFO:
- {
- QueryFileNameInfo result = new QueryFileNameInfo();
- result.FileName = entry.Name;
- return result;
- }
- case QueryInformationLevel.SMB_QUERY_FILE_ALL_INFO:
- {
- QueryFileAllInfo result = new QueryFileAllInfo();
- result.CreationDateTime = entry.CreationTime;
- result.LastAccessDateTime = entry.LastAccessTime;
- result.LastWriteDateTime = entry.LastWriteTime;
- result.ExtFileAttributes = GetExtendedFileAttributes(entry);
- result.LastChangeTime = entry.LastWriteTime;
- result.AllocationSize = NTFileSystemHelper.GetAllocationSize(entry.Size);
- result.EndOfFile = entry.Size;
- result.DeletePending = deletePending;
- result.Directory = entry.IsDirectory;
- result.EASize = 0;
- result.FileName = entry.Name;
- return result;
- }
- case QueryInformationLevel.SMB_QUERY_FILE_ALT_NAME_INFO:
- {
- QueryFileAltNameInfo result = new QueryFileAltNameInfo();
- result.FileName = NTFileSystemHelper.GetShortName(entry.Name);
- return result;
- }
- case QueryInformationLevel.SMB_QUERY_FILE_STREAM_INFO:
- {
- QueryFileStreamInfo result = new QueryFileStreamInfo();
- result.StreamSize = entry.Size;
- result.StreamAllocationSize = NTFileSystemHelper.GetAllocationSize(entry.Size);
- result.StreamName = "::$DATA";
- return result;
- }
- case QueryInformationLevel.SMB_QUERY_FILE_COMPRESSION_INFO:
- {
- QueryFileCompressionInfo result = new QueryFileCompressionInfo();
- result.CompressionFormat = CompressionFormat.COMPRESSION_FORMAT_NONE;
- return result;
- }
- default:
- {
- throw new UnsupportedInformationLevelException();
- }
- }
- }
- internal static QueryFSInformation GetFSInformation(QueryFSInformationLevel informationLevel, IFileSystem fileSystem)
- {
- switch (informationLevel)
- {
- case QueryFSInformationLevel.SMB_INFO_ALLOCATION:
- {
- QueryFSInfoAllocation result = new QueryFSInfoAllocation();
- result.FileSystemID = 0;
- result.SectorUnit = NTFileSystemHelper.ClusterSize / NTFileSystemHelper.BytesPerSector;
- result.UnitsTotal = (uint)Math.Min(fileSystem.Size / NTFileSystemHelper.ClusterSize, UInt32.MaxValue);
- result.UnitsAvailable = (uint)Math.Min(fileSystem.FreeSpace / NTFileSystemHelper.ClusterSize, UInt32.MaxValue);
- result.Sector = NTFileSystemHelper.BytesPerSector;
- return result;
- }
- case QueryFSInformationLevel.SMB_INFO_VOLUME:
- {
- QueryFSInfoVolume result = new QueryFSInfoVolume();
- result.VolumeLabel = String.Empty;
- result.VolumeSerialNumber = 0;
- return result;
- }
- case QueryFSInformationLevel.SMB_QUERY_FS_VOLUME_INFO:
- {
- QueryFSVolumeInfo result = new QueryFSVolumeInfo();
- result.VolumeCreationTime = DateTime.Now;
- return result;
- }
- case QueryFSInformationLevel.SMB_QUERY_FS_SIZE_INFO:
- {
- QueryFSSizeInfo result = new QueryFSSizeInfo();
- result.TotalAllocationUnits = (ulong)(fileSystem.Size / NTFileSystemHelper.ClusterSize);
- result.TotalFreeAllocationUnits = (ulong)(fileSystem.FreeSpace / NTFileSystemHelper.ClusterSize);
- result.BytesPerSector = NTFileSystemHelper.BytesPerSector;
- result.SectorsPerAllocationUnit = NTFileSystemHelper.ClusterSize / NTFileSystemHelper.BytesPerSector;
- return result;
- }
- case QueryFSInformationLevel.SMB_QUERY_FS_DEVICE_INFO:
- {
- QueryFSDeviceInfo result = new QueryFSDeviceInfo();
- result.DeviceCharacteristics = DeviceCharacteristics.IsMounted;
- result.DeviceType = DeviceType.Disk;
- return result;
- }
- case QueryFSInformationLevel.SMB_QUERY_FS_ATTRIBUTE_INFO:
- {
- QueryFSAttibuteInfo result = new QueryFSAttibuteInfo();
- result.FileSystemAttributes = FileSystemAttributes.UnicodeOnDisk;
- result.MaxFileNameLengthInBytes = 255;
- result.FileSystemName = fileSystem.Name;
- return result;
- }
- default:
- {
- throw new UnsupportedInformationLevelException();
- }
- }
- }
- public static SMBFileAttributes GetFileAttributes(FileSystemEntry entry)
- {
- SMBFileAttributes attributes = SMBFileAttributes.Normal;
- if (entry.IsHidden)
- {
- attributes |= SMBFileAttributes.Hidden;
- }
- if (entry.IsReadonly)
- {
- attributes |= SMBFileAttributes.ReadOnly;
- }
- if (entry.IsArchived)
- {
- attributes |= SMBFileAttributes.Archive;
- }
- if (entry.IsDirectory)
- {
- attributes |= SMBFileAttributes.Directory;
- }
- return attributes;
- }
- public static ExtendedFileAttributes GetExtendedFileAttributes(FileSystemEntry entry)
- {
- ExtendedFileAttributes attributes = 0;
- if (entry.IsHidden)
- {
- attributes |= ExtendedFileAttributes.Hidden;
- }
- if (entry.IsReadonly)
- {
- attributes |= ExtendedFileAttributes.Readonly;
- }
- if (entry.IsArchived)
- {
- attributes |= ExtendedFileAttributes.Archive;
- }
- if (entry.IsDirectory)
- {
- attributes |= ExtendedFileAttributes.Directory;
- }
- if ((uint)attributes == 0)
- {
- attributes = ExtendedFileAttributes.Normal;
- }
- return attributes;
- }
- }