123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253 |
- using System;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Net;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
- using System.Web;
- using WebDAVSharp.Server.Adapters;
- using WebDAVSharp.Server.Exceptions;
- using WebDAVSharp.Server.Stores;
- using static System.String;
- namespace WebDAVSharp.Server
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// This class holds extension methods for various types related to WebDAV#.
- /// </summary>
- internal static class WebDavExtensions
- {
- private static readonly Regex TokenRegex = new Regex(@"<urn:uuid:(?<Token>.*)>");
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets the Uri to the parent object.
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="uri">The <see cref="Uri" /> of a resource, for which the parent Uri should be retrieved.</param>
- /// <returns>
- /// The parent <see cref="Uri" />.
- /// </returns>
- /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">uri</exception>
- /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">Cannot get parent of root</exception>
- /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="uri" /> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
- /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"><paramref name="uri" /> has no parent, it refers to a root resource.</exception>
- public static Uri GetParentUri(this Uri uri)
- {
- if (uri == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(uri));
- if (uri.Segments.Length == 1)
- throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot get parent of root");
- string url = uri.ToString();
- int index = url.Length - 1;
- if (url[index] == '/')
- index--;
- while (url[index] != '/')
- index--;
- return new Uri(url.Substring(0, index + 1));
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Sends a simple response with a specified HTTP status code but no content.
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="context">The <see cref="IHttpListenerContext" /> to send the response through.</param>
- /// <param name="statusCode">The HTTP status code for the response.</param>
- /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">context</exception>
- /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="context" /> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
- public static void SendSimpleResponse(this IHttpListenerContext context, int statusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.OK)
- {
- if (context == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
- context.Response.StatusCode = statusCode;
- context.Response.StatusDescription = HttpWorkerRequest.GetStatusDescription(statusCode);
- context.Response.Close();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets the prefix <see cref="Uri" /> that matches the specified <see cref="Uri" />.
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="uri">The <see cref="Uri" /> to find the most specific prefix <see cref="Uri" /> for.</param>
- /// <param name="server">
- /// The
- /// <see cref="WebDavServer" /> that hosts the WebDAV server and holds the collection
- /// of known prefixes.
- /// </param>
- /// <returns>
- /// The most specific <see cref="Uri" /> for the given <paramref name="uri" />.
- /// </returns>
- /// <exception cref="WebDAVSharp.Server.Exceptions.WebDavInternalServerException">Unable to find correct server root</exception>
- /// <exception cref="WebDavInternalServerException">
- /// <paramref name="uri" /> specifies a <see cref="Uri" /> that is not
- /// known to the <paramref name="server" />.
- /// </exception>
- public static Uri GetPrefixUri(this Uri uri, WebDavServer server)
- {
- string url = uri.ToString();
- string exactPrefix = server.Listener.Prefixes
- .FirstOrDefault(item => url.StartsWith(item, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
- if (!IsNullOrEmpty(exactPrefix))
- {
- return new Uri(exactPrefix);
- }
- string wildcardUrl = new UriBuilder(uri)
- {
- Host = "WebDAVSharpSpecialHostTag"
- }
- .ToString().Replace("WebDAVSharpSpecialHostTag", "*");
- string wildcardPrefix = server.Listener.Prefixes
- .FirstOrDefault(item => wildcardUrl.StartsWith(item, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
- if (!IsNullOrEmpty(wildcardPrefix))
- {
- return new Uri(wildcardPrefix.Replace("://*", $"://{uri.Host}"));
- }
- throw new WebDavInternalServerException("Unable to find correct server root");
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Retrieves a store item through the specified
- /// <see cref="Uri" /> from the
- /// specified
- /// <see cref="WebDavServer" /> and
- /// <see cref="IWebDavStore" />.
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="uri">The <see cref="Uri" /> to retrieve the store item for.</param>
- /// <param name="server">The <see cref="WebDavServer" /> that hosts the <paramref name="store" />.</param>
- /// <param name="store">The <see cref="IWebDavStore" /> from which to retrieve the store item.</param>
- /// <returns>
- /// The retrieved store item.
- /// </returns>
- /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
- /// <para>
- /// <paramref name="uri" /> is <c>null</c>.
- /// </para>
- /// <para>
- /// <paramref name="server" /> is <c>null</c>.
- /// </para>
- /// <para>
- /// <paramref name="store" /> is <c>null</c>.
- /// </para>
- /// </exception>
- /// <exception cref="WebDAVSharp.Server.Exceptions.WebDavNotFoundException">If the item was not found.</exception>
- /// <exception cref="WebDavConflictException">
- /// <paramref name="uri" /> refers to a document in a collection, where the
- /// collection does not exist.
- /// </exception>
- /// <exception cref="WebDavNotFoundException"><paramref name="uri" /> refers to a document that does not exist.</exception>
- public static IWebDavStoreItem GetItem(this Uri uri, WebDavServer server, IWebDavStore store)
- {
- if (uri == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(uri));
- if (server == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(server));
- if (store == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(store));
- Uri prefixUri = uri.GetPrefixUri(server);
- IWebDavStoreCollection collection = store.Root;
- IWebDavStoreItem item = null;
- if (prefixUri.Segments.Length == uri.Segments.Length)
- return collection;
- for (int index = prefixUri.Segments.Length; index < uri.Segments.Length; index++)
- {
- string segmentName = Uri.UnescapeDataString(uri.Segments[index]);
- IWebDavStoreItem nextItem = collection.GetItemByName(segmentName.TrimEnd('/', '\\'));
- if (nextItem == null)
- throw new WebDavNotFoundException(); //throw new WebDavConflictException();
- if (index == uri.Segments.Length - 1)
- item = nextItem;
- else
- {
- collection = nextItem as IWebDavStoreCollection;
- if (collection == null)
- throw new WebDavNotFoundException();
- }
- }
- if (item == null)
- throw new WebDavNotFoundException();
- return item;
- }
- private static string Match(Regex regex, string html, int i = 1)
- {
- return regex.Match(html).Groups[i].Value.Trim();
- }
- public static Guid? GetLockTokenHeader(this IHttpListenerRequest request)
- {
- if (!request.Headers.AllKeys.Contains("Lock-Token"))
- return null;
- string r = Match(TokenRegex, request.Headers["Lock-Token"]);
- if (IsNullOrEmpty(r))
- return null;
- return new Guid(r);
- }
- public static Guid? GetLockTokenIfHeader(this IHttpListenerRequest request)
- {
- if (!request.Headers.AllKeys.Contains("If"))
- return null;
- string t = request.Headers["If"].Substring(2, request.Headers["If"].Length - 4);
- return new Guid(t);
- }
- public static string ToLockToken(this Guid? token)
- {
- if (token == null)
- throw new NullReferenceException("token");
- return "urn:uuid:" + token;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets the Timeout header : Second-number
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="request">The request with the request included</param>
- /// <param name="store"></param>
- /// <returns>The value of the Timeout header as a string</returns>
- public static double? GetTimeoutHeader(this IHttpListenerRequest request, IWebDavStore store)
- {
- // get the value of the timeout header as a string
- string timeout = request.Headers["Timeout"];
- // check if the string is valid or not infinity
- // if so, try to parse it to an int
- if (!IsNullOrEmpty(timeout) && !timeout.Equals("infinity") && !timeout.Equals("Infinite, Second-4100000000"))
- {
- string num = timeout.Substring(timeout.IndexOf("Second-", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 7);
- double d;
- if (double.TryParse(num, out d))
- {
- return d;
- }
- }
- if (timeout.Equals("infinity") && timeout.Equals("Infinite, Second-4100000000") && store.LockSystem.AllowInfiniteCheckouts)
- return null;
- return 345600;
- }
- public static void SendException(this IHttpListenerContext context, WebDavException ex)
- {
- context.Response.StatusCode = ex.StatusCode;
- context.Response.StatusDescription = ex.StatusDescription;
- if (ex.Message == context.Response.StatusDescription)
- return;
- byte[] buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ex.Message);
- context.Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
- context.Response.ContentLength64 = buffer.Length;
- context.Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
- context.Response.OutputStream.Flush();
- }
- }
- }