/* Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Tal Aloni . All rights reserved. * * You can redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU Lesser Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Utilities; namespace SMBLibrary.SMB1 { /// /// SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX Response /// public class SessionSetupAndXResponse : SMBAndXCommand { public const int ParametersLength = 6; // Parameters: // CommandName AndXCommand; // byte AndXReserved; // ushort AndXOffset; public SessionSetupAction Action; // Data: public string NativeOS; // SMB_STRING (If Unicode, this field MUST be aligned to start on a 2-byte boundary from the start of the SMB header) public string NativeLanMan; // SMB_STRING (this field WILL be aligned to start on a 2-byte boundary from the start of the SMB header) public string PrimaryDomain; // SMB_STRING (this field WILL be aligned to start on a 2-byte boundary from the start of the SMB header) public SessionSetupAndXResponse() : base() { NativeOS = String.Empty; NativeLanMan = String.Empty; PrimaryDomain = String.Empty; } public SessionSetupAndXResponse(byte[] buffer, int offset, bool isUnicode) : base(buffer, offset, isUnicode) { Action = (SessionSetupAction)LittleEndianConverter.ToUInt16(this.SMBParameters, 4); int dataOffset = 0; if (isUnicode) { // A Unicode string MUST be aligned to a 16-bit boundary with respect to the beginning of the SMB Header. // Note: SMBData starts at an odd offset. dataOffset++; } NativeOS = SMB1Helper.ReadSMBString(this.SMBData, ref dataOffset, isUnicode); NativeLanMan = SMB1Helper.ReadSMBString(this.SMBData, ref dataOffset, isUnicode); if ((this.SMBData.Length - dataOffset) % 2 == 1) { // Workaround for a single terminating null byte this.SMBData = ByteUtils.Concatenate(this.SMBData, new byte[1]); } PrimaryDomain = SMB1Helper.ReadSMBString(this.SMBData, ref dataOffset, isUnicode); } public override byte[] GetBytes(bool isUnicode) { this.SMBParameters = new byte[ParametersLength]; LittleEndianWriter.WriteUInt16(this.SMBParameters, 4, (ushort)Action); int offset = 0; if (isUnicode) { // A Unicode string MUST be aligned to a 16-bit boundary with respect to the beginning of the SMB Header. // Note: SMBData starts at an odd offset. int padding = 1; this.SMBData = new byte[padding + NativeOS.Length * 2 + NativeLanMan.Length * 2 + PrimaryDomain.Length * 2 + 6]; offset = padding; } else { this.SMBData = new byte[NativeOS.Length + NativeLanMan.Length + PrimaryDomain.Length + 3]; } SMB1Helper.WriteSMBString(this.SMBData, ref offset, isUnicode, NativeOS); SMB1Helper.WriteSMBString(this.SMBData, ref offset, isUnicode, NativeLanMan); SMB1Helper.WriteSMBString(this.SMBData, ref offset, isUnicode, PrimaryDomain); return base.GetBytes(isUnicode); } public override CommandName CommandName { get { return CommandName.SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX; } } } }