/* Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Tal Aloni . All rights reserved. * * You can redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU Lesser Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace ISCSI.Client { internal class ConnectionParameters { public ISCSISession Session; public ushort CID; // connection ID, generated by the initiator public int InitiatorMaxRecvDataSegmentLength = ISCSIClient.DeclaredParameters.MaxRecvDataSegmentLength; public int TargetMaxRecvDataSegmentLength = DefaultParameters.Connection.MaxRecvDataSegmentLength; public bool StatusNumberingStarted; public uint ExpStatSN; public string ConnectionIdentifier { get { return String.Format("ISID={0},TSIH={1},CID={2}", Session == null ? "0" : Session.ISID.ToString("x"), Session == null ? "0" : Session.TSIH.ToString("x"), this.CID.ToString("x")); } } } }